
Thursday, August 29, 2013

525,600 Minutes

A year ago I left everything comfortable and familiar to fulfill my dream of living oversees.  

So much has happened this past year.  I'm thankful for new relationships, the growth I've made and various experiences that have turned the last 525,600 minutes into some of the best of my life.  

Today, I received my Korean name: 
유다정 meaning affectionate to others. I'm honored to be given a name that reflects my heart but more importantly, the heart and character of God. We've gotten a lot closer these last several hundred thousand 

Here's to Year 2!  

Until next time...

Monday, August 5, 2013

I've Got a Feeling...

I love summer (vacation) 

Last July, I decided I was too young to walk around unhappy with my body, have my couch be my best friend (y'all know) always tired and lazy.  So, I bought a pair of running shoes and matching gear (OCD like) and started running again. 

Got to Korea, kept working out and this past May began training for a body figure competition.  In addition to the competition, my goal was to be confident  in myself and my body and have an awesome summer at the beach.  

Well folks, it's summer. And the understatement of the year is I'm having an awesome summer, confident, happy but most importantly joyful, from the inside out.  

I climbed a mountain today. The highest mountain in S. Korea and was amazed at how well I did.  Yea, I'm But it's that good hurt, you know. I've been at the beach all week, just radiating confidence, I'm surprising even myself. This is awesome!! Gotta keep this up. 

I'm so proud of myself, haha! And what an incredible feeling that is. 

Until next time...